Thursday, March 27, 2008

spring and summer are on their way...

i can't wait for...
-rainbows after a storm
-ice cold water after a run
-porch swings
-the smell of fresh-cut grass
-rolled-down windows in my car
-permanent sunglass-wearing
-fresh fruit
-flip flops
-the weather, and ability, to hand wash my car
-ice cream cones filled with mint-chip ice cream, being eaten while on a walk with a dear friend
-the stars
-reading books outside on the grass
-smiling at people for no reason
-colorful flowers
-new life
-iced coffee outside
-sand between my toes
-sunrise, sunset...the sun. period.

i used to be a fall person, one who loved cool weather and embraced winter when it came slowly. but now i'm finding a love for all seasons. (especially after being in winter for 6 months out of the year--in peru and in the states) it's time for some sunshine in my life. i'm ready for new life, new love, a new season. i'm ready to flourish.

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