Monday, September 22, 2008

a new season...

the seasons are changing. as the sun sets a little quicker and the wind bites a little harder, i can feel a change creeping up. yesterday i turned 24. today i decided i was moving into a bigger apartment. my life is quickly moving into a new season as well.

i've been here in cali for about a full four months. i have a steady job, well two actually. i have a church community. i have new friends. and i'm ready to start settling in. i've been living in a one bedroom apartment with a friend, and it's been perfect. but now that i can afford my own room and i have a future here in san diego, i am ready to settle into some place i can call home. this one bedroom apartment has served its purpose and now it's time to move into some place where i can buy furniture, paint the walls, and put a welcome home mat on the front step. as i close this time of transition and move into a more permanent time, i can't help but think of how faithful god has been to me. he has provided me with all of from my family to up and move to cali, an apartment in an abrupt week, a job (after much searching), and new friends. i feel so blessed to be in this place.

my desire right now is to live in a community house. i really want to live with 4 or so people and form a little family of our own. i want a place where we can eat together and cry together and laugh together. i want to live communally. life is not meant to live alone and i think community is worth all the pain that it sometimes creates. i've said this before...especially while i was in is hard but it's so worth fighting for. i want a community. (and my own room) ;)


Meg Schudel said...

Community has become a romantic word to me, having done the whole living alone thing. There are so many things I miss about living with someone else.
If you're serious about your invitation, I'm ready and willing to consider pursuing a new residence (and I have a lot of furniture I can offer to share! :)

I'll be on standby until we have time to talk about this.


P.S. good post

dale said...

Belated merry anniversary of your original coming out party!

Kate said...

I really like this post Lindsay....the changing seasons. I hope you don't mind that I have your blog site linked to mine....I probably should have asked before I linked it to mine...but I enjoy reading your blog!
Love you my forever neighbor and friend!
Kate Blief

Cheryl said...

Lindsey, you continue to amaze me. You are so right about friendships and community. The fact that it can and does change over the years is hard but keeps me focused on the One friend that will never change and is always there for me......this you know as well. Happy Belated Birthday!!! love,cheryl