Sunday, June 12, 2011

Uganda in 1...2...3...

I leave for Uganda on Saturday and I am preparing this week. As I pray over the trip, my team, and the children and people we will be meeting and ministering to, I can't help but be excited and overwhelmed with all that is to come. I know many short-term trips can be draining because they are go, go, go, but I fully intend to take this trip moment by moment and strive to see Jesus in it all. This will only be possible with the power of the Spirit. So in preparing for my trip this week, I will be praying for the following and asking the Spirit to come and show me Jesus--His humble birth and perfect life, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, and His coming return to earth for His Bride:

I want to know Jesus and become like him as I change diapers and wash dirty faces.
I want to know Him as I bend my knee and humble myself to pray for someone in need.
I want to know Him and love Him as I give of myself and am emptied of all the truth and grace the Lord has placed within me that day, so that I may be filled up once again the next.
I want to know Jesus in the faces of the orphans and widows as I tell them of the Hope that is within me.

Please join me in prayer as I seek to know Him more through this trip. Pray I would be willing to do whatever He calls me to. Pray that He would cut away the deadened sin areas in my heart as He works on me using the people of Uganda. Pray for energy for me and my team, as I am sure lack of sleep and jet-lag will be major influences on us. And just in case I haven't made it clear (since I have said a lot of "I's" in this post), this trip is not about me; it is about God and His please pray that people would come to see the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus as we go to Uganda and serve with humble hands and feet in His Name. May He be made much of!

I will be posting maybe once, depending on the internet situation there. If I don't post then, I will definitely have a series of posts when I return home. Thank you in advance for your prayers, love and support!

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