Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Provider

As I sit here in a new place, with a new cup of coffee, I have many emotions. I arrived in Minneapolis on Tuesday afternoon after a long trip and transition starting in San Diego on the 23rd of December. I arrived with excitement and joy...until I got here and got settled and had no idea what to do with myself.

My last week in Nebraska was difficult. I felt far away from my San Diegans and far away from my future here in MN--not to mention far away from the Lord. I was in a spiritual battle all week. So, as I drove, I prayed that the Lord would really provide for me when I got here. I prayed (and continue to pray) that this transition will go quickly and smoothly. I prayed for a friend or two. I prayed for a job. I prayed for His complete provision on my life--the life that He has called me to.

So, Tuesday, the day I got here, I decided to try out a bible study from my new church . It was a small group of women of all ages who were thirsty for the Lord. They were all very welcoming, and happened to be studying 1 John (which I had just studied at my church in SD). My time there was great and I even met a RUNNER! I stayed after for tea with the leader and we related on many levels. By the end of my first day there I had already been invited to a lake house for the weekend! (I think I'm going to go).

Yesterday was my first full day in this new city. I got up, spent time with the Lord, got ready for the day and went to get groceries. After an afternoon of job searching, I met up with Anna (a friend from back home) for coffee. Then I went to my first class, Theological Foundations. My emotions and nerves grew as I prepared for the class. Class began and I found joy in just being there. Our professor went over many of the things we will be learning this semester. Here are just a few: Scripture -The Word of God Written, The Trinity, God's Eternal Purpose and Election, God's Creation of the Universe and Man, and many more. The whole time I just felt so privileged to be in a class so focused on Christ.

After class, I was offered a job as a babysitter and invited to dinner with two women my age. I went to dinner with Amy and Sarah and really enjoyed talking with them and getting to know them. Amy even paid for my dinner! I left the restaurant humbled and in awe. The Lord truly is my Provider. Even when the smallest doubt entered my mind yesterday of 'did I really do the right thing by moving here?', the Lord quickly squashed that doubt by confirming my place here. I really don't even have words for how I feel right now.

Today I am meeting my future roommate, Amanda. Then I will most likely be looking for jobs and working on homework already, which to be honest, I am so excited about!

I stand in awe of our God. To Him be all the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

1 comment:

The Fast Family said...


I love reading your posts. It is so neat to see where the Lord has taken you since the days of AC. He has great plans for you!
