Tuesday, August 21, 2007

a moment

a had a moment last night. i was standing on the rooftop, listening to worship music and looking at the city of lima. i freaked out because i realized where i was at for the first time. i couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that my god brought me here. it brought me to tears. i feel so privileged and blessed to be here and i can't wait to see what the lord will do during this time.

thank you all who supported me and believed in me and what god is doing in my life. i wouldn't be here without you all. it is just as much a testimony of you as supporters as it is of me being here.

i can't wait to spend many more nights on my rooftop, looking over a city of 9 million people, crying for the city and for god's heart for the people here, and just growing in intimacy with christ.


LReineke said...

linds - glad to see that you have made it to Peru today. I have been very anxious because I did not know if you had made it ok since I haven't had internet until today. It sounds like God is really rocking your face off. It's both sinking in for the both of us that we are in a new place, following God in a new way. love ya girl and I'll continue to pray for ya.

dale said...

Look forward to continuing to keeping up with what our Lord is doing in and through you by way of your blog!
May your heart continue to beat with His!