Thursday, August 23, 2007

no words

i don't have words for what i just experienced. this morning we did visitas (which is staff visiting the kids' houses who have gotten off the streets). i had no idea what to expect, but when i got there i was speechless.

this girl, her husband, and their 3 yr old son live in a one room shack. it was kinda like the projects, but with dirt floors, tin walls and roofs, and sheets for the inner walls. it was so simple, yet just what they needed to survive. i am still processing, so i really don't have much more to say about it yet. i don't even know what to say. all i know is that it just doesn't make sense that people live like this (and much worse than this) when we are living in excess in america.

i'll get back to this later.

1 comment:

mom said...

LInz, And yet I'll bet this little family was so thankful for a roof & 4 walls. Yes - We are such an ungreatful nation that has come to expect abundance. It is shameful.
I pray for Gods forgiveness for our greediness & lack of thankfulness. I pray for God to give you empathy,compassion & the overflowing love of Christ Jesus for these His people of Peru, & for His wisdom & understanding for you. Love mom